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Are you thinking about going to Seychelles for a holiday? This beautiful place has islands with amazing beaches, clear waters, and lots of fun things to do. But when should you go? The answer depends on what you want to see and do there. Whether you love sunshine, want to explore nature, or want to join in local celebrations, knowing the best time to visit will make your getaway perfect.

Let’s explore the best times to visit for a holiday in Seychelles that you’ll never forget.

When to Visit for Great Weather

The best times to visit Seychelles for wonderful weather are between April to May and October to November. During these months, the weather is really nice. It’s warm, and the sea is calm, which is perfect for swimming, snorkelling, and lying on the beach.

From May to September, Seychelles is less crowded, and prices are lower. This is good if you like a quieter holiday and want to save some money. But be ready for some wind, especially in July and August. The wind can make the water a bit choppy, which might not be ideal if you love diving or snorkelling in crystal-clear waters.

Must-See Spots in Seychelles

Here’s a list of must-see places in Seychelles:

  • Vallee De Mai on Praslin Island
  • Victoria, the charming capital
  • Copolia Trail for hiking enthusiasts
  • St Anne Marine National Park for snorkelling

Detailed Weather by Month

Let’s discuss the weather in detail month by month!

Seychelles Weather January

In January, it rains quite a bit in Seychelles. This is the wet season, so expect afternoon showers. But don’t worry, the mornings and evenings are usually clear. The island is very green because of the rain. Many tourists visit in January because it’s the New Year holiday, and they want to escape the winter cold in their countries. If you prefer less rain, consider visiting a place like the Maldives instead.

  • Temperature: 27°C / 81°F
  • Rainy Days: 18
  • Season: Wet
  • Cost: High

Seychelles Weather February

February brings warm weather mixed with rain showers in Seychelles. The rain helps plants grow, making the island lush. Rain usually comes in short bursts, so travellers will still have lots of time to enjoy the beach. In February, it’s also turtle hatching season. If you love animals, you can see baby turtles making their way to the sea. However, some beaches might be closed to protect these little creatures.

  • Temperature: 29°C / 83°F
  • Rainy Days: 11
  • Season: Wet
  • Cost: Moderate

Seychelles Weather March

March is a lovely month as Seychelles moves from the wet season to the dry season. The rain becomes less frequent, and the temperatures are warm and pleasant. It’s a great time for outdoor adventures. Late March is especially nice as the northwest monsoon ends, leading to fewer rains. You can also enjoy hiking or simply relax by the beach.

  • Temperature: 28°C / 82°F
  • Rainy Days: 11
  • Season: Transition
  • Cost: Moderate

Seychelles Weather April

April is a fantastic time to visit Seychelles. The weather is warm, and the sea is perfect for swimming and water sports. You might get some rain, but it’s usually brief. With little wind, April is one of the warmest months, so don’t forget your sunscreen. So, if you love diving or snorkelling, April is one of the best times to explore the underwater world.

  • Temperature: 28°C / 82°F
  • Rainy Days: 11
  • Season: Transition
  • Cost: Moderate

Seychelles Weather May

May is a paradise month in Seychelles, with warm weather and fewer crowds. It’s the start of the dry season, making it perfect for outdoor activities. The sea is calm, and the skies are clear. It’s a wonderful time for sailing and surfing. A cool breeze may also make the hot days more comfortable. If you enjoy water sports, May is a great month for your visit.

  • Temperature: 28°C / 82°F
  • Rainy Days: 14
  • Season: Dry
  • Cost: Moderate

Seychelles Weather June

June is cooler and drier in Seychelles, making it great for exploring. The temperatures are comfortable, and the winds are perfect for activities like windsurfing. It’s a good month to discover the island’s natural beauty, with lots of nature reserves to visit. The cooler weather is perfect for hiking and other outdoor adventures.

  • Temperature: 27°C / 81°F
  • Rainy Days: 11
  • Season: Dry
  • Cost: Moderate

Seychelles Weather July

In July, Seychelles is in the middle of the dry season. The weather is less humid, with plenty of sunshine. This is a busy time for tourists, so the island is lively and has many activities. The wind is strong, making it a popular time for windsurfing. Beaches on the north and west are sheltered, so they’re great for swimming. Since it’s summer break in many places, book early to get the best deals.

  • Temperature: 28°C / 82°F
  • Rainy Days: 11
  • Season: Dry
  • Cost: High

Seychelles Weather August

August is another beautiful month in Seychelles. The weather is warm, and the seas are calm, making it a great time for island hopping. The winds are still strong, perfect for sailing. August is also festival time, with many cultural events to enjoy. This month is popular due to the summer holidays, so expect more tourists. Additionally, the winds can bring seaweed to some beaches, but that’s a small trade-off for such beauty.

  • Temperature: 28°C / 82°F
  • Rainy Days: 11
  • Season: Dry
  • Cost: High

Seychelles Weather September

September is a lovely time to visit Seychelles. The weather is warm and dry, and the islands are less crowded. The winds start to die down, making the beaches more pleasant for swimming. With fewer tourists, you’ll have a more peaceful experience. This is a good time to find travel deals and enjoy the island’s beauty.

  • Temperature: 29°C / 84°F
  • Rainy Days: 9
  • Season: Dry
  • Cost: Moderate

Seychelles Weather October

October is when the dry season changes to the wet season. It’s warm, and the islands are less crowded. You might experience some rain, but it’s usually short. October is a great time for outdoor activities. The island is full of colour, and the sea is perfect for snorkelling. If you love festivals, October hosts the lively Creole Festival, celebrating local culture.

  • Temperature: 30°C / 86°F
  • Rainy Days: 11
  • Season: Transition
  • Cost: Moderate

Seychelles Weather November

November is a lovely time in Seychelles as the weather starts to change. The temperatures are warm, and there’s a mix of sunny and rainy days. The rains are brief, allowing for lots of outdoor fun. November is a great time for water sports like snorkelling and diving. It’s also a good month to explore local markets and attend cultural events.

  • Temperature: 31°C / 87°F
  • Rainy Days: 13
  • Season: Transition
  • Cost: Moderate

Seychelles Weather December

December marks the start of the wet season in Seychelles. The islands are lively and colourful, perfect for the holiday season. Rain showers are common, but they’re short and refreshing. The beaches are still great for relaxing and enjoying the sun. December is a festive time, with many tourists visiting. Be ready for higher prices and crowds, especially during Christmas and New Year.

  • Temperature: 30°C / 86°F
  • Rainy Days: 16
  • Season: Wet
  • Cost: High

Weather Patterns by Season

Let’s discuss seasons!

Dry Season (May – October)

Syechelles in Dry Season

The dry season is the best time for outdoor fun in Seychelles. The weather is cooler with less rain, perfect for hiking, biking, and exploring. The clear waters make it ideal for snorkelling and diving, with amazing visibility to see sea life. Gentle winds are perfect for sailing and windsurfing. You’ll love discovering the islands during this time.

  • Weather: Cool, dry, and windy
  • Activities: Sailing, windsurfing, hiking, snorkelling
  • Cost: Moderate

Wet Season (November – April)

Seychelles in Dry Season

The wet season means warmer temperatures with some rain. It’s a good time to see the island’s lush nature. The sea is warm, making it great for snorkelling and diving. You might see turtles and colourful fish. The rain doesn’t last long, so there’s still lots of time for outdoor adventures. Explore nature reserves and enjoy the island’s beauty during the wet season.

  • Weather: Warm with rain showers
  • Activities: Snorkeling, diving, exploring nature
  • Cost: High

Enjoy Seychelles’ Festivals and Events

National Fishing Tournament in Seychelles

Seychelles is known for its exciting festivals and events, which showcase the island’s culture and history. If you love festivals, April and October are great months to visit.

  • International Carnival (April): A big parade celebrating the island’s culture with music, dance, and costumes.
  • National Fishing Tournament (March): Anglers from around the world come to compete in fishing.
  • Creole Festival (October): A fun event with Creole music, dance, and delicious food.

Hotel Prices Monthly Breakdown: What Each Month Is Like

Let’s examine the hotel prices in Seychelles each month so you can plan your getaway.

JanuaryIt’s the wet season. Hotel prices are high because of the New Year.
FebruaryThe wet season continues. Hotel prices are still high.
MarchIt’s still part of the wet season. Hotel prices begin to drop.
AprilThe weather is changing from wet to dry. Hotel prices are moderate.
MayThis is the start of the dry season. Hotel prices stay moderate.
JuneHotel prices are lower.
JulyPrices for hotels are low.
AugustHotel prices remain low.
SeptemberHotel prices go back to moderate.
OctoberThe weather starts changing to the wet season. Hotel prices are moderate.
NovemberWet season begins. Hotel prices remain moderate.
DecemberAgain, hotel prices are high due to the holiday season.

Oh, And Here’s What You Need To Remember Before You Go!

About The Money

  • Bring some Seychelles rupees for local expenses.
  • Carry an international credit or debit card with no fees.
  • Keep some US dollars or Euros as a backup.

Flavours of Seychelles

Here’s a quick list of must-try foods and drinks in Seychelles:

  • Grilled red snapper and fish soup
  • Bat curry and shark chutney
  • Sweet and savory ladob
  • Fresh fruit juices and coconut water
  • Calou (palm wine) and bakka rum

Getting Around the Islands

  • Walk or bike on smaller islands like La Digue and Bird Island.
  • Use public buses or taxis on Mahé and Praslin.
  • Take a ferry between islands or take a seaplane for a bird’s eye view.

Talking with Locals

Here’s a mini phrasebook to get you started:

  • Hello: Bonzour
  • Thank you: Mersi
  • Please: Silvouplé
  • Goodbye: Orevwar

Embracing the Local Culture

The people of Seychelles are warm and welcoming. They appreciate visitors who show interest. Moreover, greeting others with a wave, nod, or handshake is common, even if you don’t know them well.

Moreover, People in Seychelles live a relaxed lifestyle. Things move at a slower pace, so don’t worry too much about being on time.


When it comes to clothing, people in Seychelles dress casually. Light and comfortable clothes are perfect for the warm weather. In the evenings, some people prefer to dress up a bit more. Remember, it’s respectful to cover up when you’re not on the beach. Also, nude bathing is not allowed.

Staying Safe in Seychelles

Keep your belongings close, as there have been cases of theft targeting tourists. It’s usually non-violent, but losing your things can spoil your holiday. Think of it like being in a busy area back home. You wouldn’t leave your phone or wallet out in the open. Use a hotel safe for your passport and valuables.

Safe Swimming and Snorkeling

The beaches in Seychelles are beautiful, but the sea can sometimes be tricky. Not all beaches are safe for swimming. So, before you head out for a swim, ask hotel staff or locals about the safest spots.

Health Tips for Travelers

While visiting Seychelles, it’s important to stay healthy. Drink bottled or purified water instead of tap water, as it might not be as clean as you’re used to. Keeping hydrated is crucial, especially in warm weather.

Also, bring some sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun. Imagine spending a day at the beach and ending up with a sunburn. Uh!

Why Choose Zippy Holidays?

We offer various services, including accommodation, flights, and meals. Our team knows the best spots to visit and can help you find the perfect places.

Imagine having everything sorted before you leave home. You can relax and enjoy your holiday, knowing that all the details are taken care of. From cosy accommodations to exciting activities, Zippy Holidays has you covered.

Moreover, we also provide expert advice and local knowledge to ensure you have the best experience. Imagine being on a boat tour guided by someone who knows all the hidden gems!

So, no need to worry about the little details because we’ve got it all covered.


Are you ready to go to Seychelles? We know you are!

So, don’t forget to share all your cute getaway pictures with us. We want to see you happy!


Is the water safe to drink in the Seychelles?

To be safe, stick to purified or bottled water. Tap water might not be as clean as you’re used to, but it may be safe if you are staying at Mahe.

Do I need to tip at restaurants?

Tipping is appreciated but not required. If you receive great service, leaving a small tip is a nice gesture.

Can I use my phone in the Seychelles?

Yes, most mobile networks work, but check with your provider about roaming charges. You might want to get a local SIM card for cheaper rates.

What should I pack for my retreat?

Pack light, breathable clothes for the day and something a bit nicer for evenings.

Is it safe to swim at all the beaches?

Not all beaches are safe for swimming, so always look for signs and ask locals or hotel staff for advice.

Remember, Zippy Holidays is here to help with all your travel questions and needs. Enjoy your time in the Seychelles!